Domicile » Nouvelles
Déc 06

Les prix internationaux du blé ont continué d'augmenter

  Les prix internationaux du blé ont continué d'augmenter. Les dernières données montrent qu'actuellement, le prix de livraison du blé de première qualité dans le port de Rouen, La France est $349 / tonne, en haut $2 mois après mois. Argentina’s Shanghe second-class wheat was 319 Dollars américains / tonne, en haut 9 Dollars US mois après mois; Nous Non. 2 le blé de force rouge d'hiver était américain $396 / tonne, NOUS $17 mois après mois; Nous Non. 2 soft red winter wheat was US $361 / tonne, NOUS $6 mois après mois. The price of Australian high-quality white wheat is 365 Dollars américains / tonne,…

Déc 01

Installation site of 150T/24H maize flour milling machine(2)

  Kenya’s 150-tonne/24hour cornmeal processing kit was put on trial last week to produce high-quality flour. Highly rated by customers. The equipment has helped to improve the local flour supply and improve the quality of life of the population.

Déc 01

Pour la première fois, le Programme alimentaire mondial des Nations Unies a transporté de l'aide en Afghanistan via le Tadjikistan

  En novembre 26 heure locale, un lot d'aide humanitaire fourni par le Programme alimentaire mondial des Nations Unies à l'Afghanistan a été expédié du Tadjikistan. Selon les informations publiées par le ministère des affaires étrangères du Tadjikistan, ce lot de matériaux est 2500 tonnes de farine, qui est transporté dans la province de Badakhshan en Afghanistan via les ports frontaliers du Tadjikistan et de l'Afghanistan, principalement pour répondre à l'approvisionnement alimentaire hivernal des montagnards de la province. Il s'agit également du premier lot de fournitures fournies par le programme alimentaire mondial à l'Afghanistan via le territoire du Tadjikistan.. Le même jour,…

Nov 22

October 16 is the 41st World Food Day

  October 16 is the 41st World Food Day. Influenced by many factors such as COVID-19, climate change and regional conflicts, world food security is facing severe challenges. Food security is a fundamental issue related to human survival. As one of the most populous countries in the world, China has taken effective actions and played an active role in ensuring world food security. On June 6, 2015, a combine was operating in the wheat field in Wanggang village, Zhangshi Town, Weishi County, Kaifeng City, Henan Province. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo) “Food is the most important

Oct 29

France increases exports of wheat and barley to China

  Traders and analysts said China’s continued demand for French wheat and barley in the current sales year, with China’s aggressive cereal imports and friction with Australia greatly boosted French exports, despite the poor harvest this year. More than a dozen Panamax class cargo ships are believed to have been reserved for transportation to China in the first half of the 2020 / 21 sales year, which starts in July, with a capacity of about 700000 tonnes, traders said, Reuters reported. Some estimate that sales will be at least one million tons. Port data show that about 200000 tonnes…

Oct 29

Global grain prices soar, grain prices rise by more than 26%

  Affected by the epidemic and global inflation, global food prices have risen sharply in the past year. According to the food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, as of March this year, global food prices have risen for 10 consecutive months and reached the highest level since June 2014. The rise in food prices in the past year is partly due to the decline in food production due to the impact of the epidemic. It is reported that in 2020, international grain production will decrease by more than 20%. On the other hand, it is because countries,…

Oct 21

L'Académie chinoise des sciences a conquis avec succès la technologie de séparation de la couche d'aleurone de blé

  China’s food security and national health usher in new opportunities. The reporter learned from the seminar onstrategic significance of wheat aleurone layerheld in Beijing that the physical separation technology of wheat aleurone layer has been overcome by Jiaxing Sino Russian science and technology transformation center of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Experts at the meeting believe that this high-tech technology can effectively expand the scale of China’s grain industrialization, which is of great strategic significance to ensuring food security, increasing grain output, improving grain quality and building a healthy China. Aleurone layer is the innermost layer of