受疫情和全球通胀影响, 过去一年全球粮食价格大幅上涨. 根据联合国粮食及农业组织, 截至今年3月, 全球粮食价格上涨了 10 连续数月创6月以来最高水平 2014.
过去一年粮食价格上涨,部分原因是受疫情影响粮食产量下降. 据悉,在 2020, 国际粮食产量将减少逾 20%. 另一方面, 这是因为国家, especially the developed countries in Europe and the United States, issue more currencies, which makes global inflation rise.
Among all kinds of grain, as one of the most important, the price of grain has increased by 26.5% in the past year. In addition, soybean and corn prices have also increased significantly, with corn prices rising by more than 42%.