مسكن » مجموعة كاملة » 400مشروع طحن القمح T / 24H

400مشروع طحن القمح T / 24H

400مشروع طحن القمح T / 24H

أنا. متطلبات المخطط

1. مقدمة العملية الفنية

1.1 تم تصميم مطحنة الدقيق التالية 400T / 24H خصيصًا وفقًا للقمح الصلب.

1.2 يعتمد هذا التصميم العملية الفنية لاستخراج الدقيق من مخطط الدقيق المتوسط ​​والطويل في ورشة الطحن و 22 MMD25 / 100 مطاحن أسطوانية أوتوماتيكية تعمل بالهواء المضغوط لتتكون من تقنية الطحن 5B8M3S2T التي يتم تفجيرها بالكامل في أوروبا. 3ب, 4يحتوي كل من B و 5 B على أنظمة خشنة ودقيقة; يتم معالجة قطع النخالة من القسم العلوي من آلة الغربلة باستخدام آلة تنظيف النخالة لتقصير عملية نظام الكسر. نظام Middling, semolina system and 1T system all adopt smooth rollers and combine with impact detacher to reduce the power of rear milling stage. 2T system adopts smooth rollers to give special treatment to material in T system in rear milling stage and thus plays the key role of reducing ash content. Roller’s contact length is 11.0mm/100Kg wheat•24h; sieving area is 0.0875m2/100Kg wheat•24h; purifier’s unit sieve surface width is 1.77mm/100Kg wheat•24h.

1.3 In consideration of environment protection requirements, it’s suggested that dry cleaning method which is usually adopted by Europe be used for wheat cleaning process and meanwhile intensive dampener with computer feedback device be used to reach the moisture suitable for milling. The process includes two sievings, جلولين, two de-stonings, two dampenings, three magnetic separatings and multiple air suctions before the clean wheat enters break system. This is to ensure wheat purity. All the equipment is fully enclosed.

1.4 In tropical humid areas, 18 hours conditioning time is required for clean wheat before it enters break system; in tropical arid areas, the conditioning time is longer than 18 ساعات.

1.5 This technical process has the following economic and technical index: if it mills one grade, total flour extraction rate is 75%, cumulative ash content is 0.53~0.63%; if it mills two grades, معدل استخراج الدرجة 1 is 45%, its ash content is 0.45~0.55; معدل استخراج الدرجة 2 is 30% and its ash content is 0.65~0.73%. The above mentioned ash content is calculated on dry basis. For normal milling, the power consumption per ton flour is not higher than 66kW•h.

1.6 Flour is transported to packing workshop 120 meters away by conveying system. There is a small bag packing workshop 20 meters away from milling workshop. A electric valve distributes the flour to either packing workshop.

1.7 Inferior and bran are packed directly. All the organic leftovers will be crushed by a crusher and then mixed with bran.

1.8 Total installed capacity is 1600kW.

1.9 Flour conveying system is equipped with an entoleter. Its principle is to destroy the worm eggs hidden in the flour by the machine’s high speed rotation. With this entoleter, flour storage time is improved by 3~5 times.

2. Preparation work by the client

Client should provide the drawings of terrain and landform so that we can adjust and design the workshops in time.

3. Requirements for raw wheat

We will design the production processes according to raw wheat and requirement for flour, so client should provide the wheat sample or samples (of each type and the proportions). We will analyze the samples in the lab in order to design rational technique. It’s suggested that client should at least 1.5Kg of each type of the wheat used for milling.

4. Capacities of finished product & by-product and by-product treatment:

4.1 The first production week after installation is the breaking in period and the capacity is 380T/24h;

The tested capacity can reach 420T/24h in the second production week after installation;

The normal capacity is 400T/24h.

4.2 For product yield, please refer to 1.5; product treatment in 1.6.

400مشروع طحن القمح T / 24H

II. Equipment part

1. Client is responsible for civil engineering and foundation and needs to prepare water, 3-phase electricity, crane and forklift for loading and unloading equipment, welding machine, cutting machine, 15-20 installation workers with fluent English ability. We will provide 1 installation engineer and 5 technicians. We’ll also provide necessary installation tools and materials.

2. The quotation includes the complete set of main equipment, auxiliary equipment, cables/wires and pipeline, إلخ; but we only supply the cables between the secondary switchboard and equipment, not the cables between the secondary switchboard and primary switchboard & transformer.

3. Control system: PLC and electric cabinet bilateral control to realize the following functions:

أ. Automatic display of the instantaneous flow rates of raw wheat, قمح نظيف, دقيق, inferior flour and bran;

ب. Automatic display of the percentages of raw wheat, قمح نظيف, دقيق, inferior flour and bran;

ج. Automatic display of the flow rates of raw wheat, قمح نظيف, دقيق, inferior flour and bran in a specified period;

د. Check historical flow rates;

E. Malfunction alarm system;

F. Printing function.

4. Equipment list and technical parameter list of main equipment;

III. Others

1. Daily water consumption is 20 طن;

2. Labor force: 8 hour work shift; 1 worker for control room, 1 worker for milling section, 1 worker for cleaning section; 2 عمال التعبئة; other workers for raw wheat and flour conveying aren’t included.