Domicile » Nouvelles » Nouvelles de l'industrie » L'Association latino-américaine de l'acier estime qu'un 1% baisse de la production en 2013 pour le latin

L'Association latino-américaine de l'acier estime qu'un 1% baisse de la production en 2013 pour le latin

Les médias brésiliens BNAmericas ont rapporté que la Latin American Steel Association (Aléro) a récemment estimé que la production d'acier de l'Amérique latine en 2013 passera par 1% pour 64.9 millions de tonnes; la raison principale était l'augmentation de l'acier importé de Chine. L'Amérique latine s'empare 4% de la production mondiale d'acier.

Benjamin Baptiste, un responsable de la filiale d'Arcelor Mittal au Brésil a appelé le gouvernement local à réprimer l'importation d'acier en provenance de Chine afin de stimuler l'expansion et l'investissement des sidérurgistes locaux. "Bien que la production d'acier en Amérique latine n'ait pas augmenté, la demande a quelque peu augmenté, while the gap between supply and demand is mainly offset by import, especially import from China”.

Baptista expressed meanwhile that the rate of capacity utilization of steel makers in Brazil, Mexico and Argentine was around 80%, therefore, there was still idling capacity to meet the demand increase anytime. “The price pressure comes from global excessive capacity. Currently, the global excessive capacity is about 0.5 billion tons per year”.

Baptista said, local government need draft protection measures to protect local steel industry, and increase the investments in railway, road and port construction to reduce transport expenses, so that local steel makers can continue their expansion plans. “The steel transport fee from MinasGerais to Sao Paulo is even higher than that of China’s steel”.

“The main problems we are facing now include tax, labor legislation and lack of infrastructure. Any efforts made by the government to increase our competitiveness are welcome.” Baptista said.
Baptista predicted that the consumption quantity per capita in Latin America in 2013 would still be around 130 Kg, “still very low, stagnant”.

Of three years in the recent four years, Latin America was a net importer of steel. Latin American Steel Association predicted that Latin America would import about 17.5 million tons in 2013, while this area’s steel export was estimated to be 13.3 millions de tonnes, a year-on-year drop of 10%.